Coombelands Young Horse Show 2024
Coombelands Young Horse Show 2024
Stars of the Future
During July and August at our Category 2 shows we will be running the Young Horse League kindly sponsored by Breen Sport Horses Ltd, Eye Spy My Ride & Okehurst Sport Horses in the following classes, the final of which will be held at our British Show jumping Category 3 show on 21st August.

Points will be awarded to the top ten placed horses at these shows from 4th July to 20th August 2024. This is based on horse only. Points will be awarded as follows:
1st 10 points 2nd 9 points 3rd 8 points 4th 7 points 5th 6 points 6th 5 points 7th 4 points 8th 3 points 9th 2 points
10th 1 points
To win the Breen Sport Horses Ltd Young horse Points League in these age classes the winner must compete at the final to be held on 21st August where double points will be awarded. Nonattendance will mean prizes pass down the line to those in attendance.

Points will be awarded to the top ten placed horses at these shows from 4th July to 20th August 2024. This is based on horse only. Points will be awarded as follows:
1st 10 points 2nd 9 points 3rd 8 points 4th 7 points 5th 6 points 6th 5 points 7th 4 points 8th 3 points 9th 2 points
10th 1 points
To win the Eye Spy My Ride Young horse Points League in these age classes the winner must compete at the final to be held on 21st August where double points will be awarded. Nonattendance will mean prizes pass down the line to those in attendance.

Points will be awarded to the top ten placed horses at these shows from 4th July to 20th August 2024. This is based on horse only. Points will be awarded as follows:
1st 10 points 2nd 9 points 3rd 8 points 4th 7 points 5th 6 points 6th 5 points 7th 4 points 8th 3 points 9th 2 points
10th 1 points
To win the Okehurst Sport Horses Young Horse Points League in these age classes the winner must compete at the final to be held on 21st August where double points will be awarded. Nonattendance will mean prizes pass down the line to those in attendance.
Coombelands Young Horse Show
19th – 21st August 2024
Day 1
Class 1 British Novice / Open
Class 2 Discovery /Open
Class 3 Newcomers/ Open Inc Breen Sport Horses Ltd League Qualifiers
Class 4 Foxhunter/ Open inc Eye Spy My Ride League Qualifiers
Class 5 1.30/1.40m Handicap Inc Okehurst Sport Horses League Qualifiers for the 1.30m height.
Day 2
Class 1 Newcomers/ Open Inc Breen Sport Horses Ltd League Qualifiers
Class 2 Foxhunter/ Open Inc Eye Spy My Ride League Qualifiers
Class 3 Talent Seekers inc Okehurst Sport Horses League Qualifiers
Class 4 Discovery /Open
Class 5 British Novice/ Open
Day 3
Class 1 The Newcomers/ Open
Class 2 The Billy Stud Auction & Equine America 5yo Star Of The Future inc the Breen Sport Horses Ltd League Final. (For registered horses aged 5 years old as at 1st January in the current year, to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior members)
Class 3 The Billy Stud Auction & Equine America 6yo Star Of The Future Inc the Eye Spy My Ride League Final. (For registered horses aged 6 years old as at 1st January in the current year, to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.)
Class 4 The JCL Insurance 7yo Star Of The Future inc the Okehurst Sport Horses League Final. (For registered horses aged 7 years old at the 1st January in the current year, to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior members)
Class 5 The 1.40m Grand Prix