Coombelands Equestrian BS C2 18th February 2025
If you require a special time, please put it in your class notes.
**Please can we ensure all ticket codes are given to the judges or Freddie before the start of the class **
Please note that CHURCH HILL on the A29 has now opened a traffic light system so please expect delays or approach Coombelands southbound on the A29 from the direction of Petworth, Billingshurst and Adversane roads.
Please be aware that Photographers attend our events and the images taken at these events are uploaded to their website to view and purchase. The images may also be uploaded to Facebook when sold for social media or used to promote the event and may be used in magazines and local papers. By entering or attending our events you are deemed to accept this, however if you wish not to have your photo taken please inform the organisers or photographers on the day.